
What is ‘Curtain Wall’ and what is a ‘Curtain wall designer’?

By |2020-02-18T13:58:37+00:00December 7th, 2015|Architecture, Buildings, Construction, News|

What is 'Curtain Wall' and what is a 'Curtain wall designer'? Content by Peter Geyer, German Architect and Engineer specialized in Certain Wall Curtain walls and claddings, more generally called facades or building envelops, can be considered as the third layer of protection against the environment. One does not need to venture to Moon

Changing Climate-Changing design parameter

By |2020-02-18T13:53:23+00:00December 6th, 2015|Architecture, Construction, Marketing|

  Global Warming and how to deal with it Climate change and global warming - as controversial as the possible causes may be discussed in politics – cannot be denied and is indeed happening and affecting all of us one way or the other. Changing cloth, buying shoes for the new season or a

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